
Complications of Gout and When to See A Doctor

Gout if left untreated can bring on a number of unpleasant and painful side effects. That's why it is important to seek immediate attention for your gout symptoms to avoid permanent damage to your joints, muscle, or skin. By using any of the simple and often soothing treatments on your gout, you can lower your risk of developing frequent gout attacks, chronic gout, and serious complications.

Some common, yet serious, complications that gout and chronic gout can suffer from include:


  • Emergence of tophi under the skin can damage the nerves, bones, and cartilage. Luckily, tophi is only associated with chronic gout, and can be prevented with regular gout medication.


  • Increase in blood pressure, which can elevate the risk of kidney malfunction or kidney disease.


  • 10% to 40 % of gout sufferers have kidney stone, which can cause intense pain and blockage of the kidneys.


  • 25 % of chronic gout sufferers also are inflicted with kidney disease.


  • Loss of mobility and joint destruction.



When To See A Doctor?

To avoid any of these complications from happening to you, you should see your doctor right away if you have:


  • Intense sudden pain in a joint, especially your big toe.


  • Swollen, tender joints covered by warm, flushed skin.


Your doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or colchicines for your gout pain if you had an acute gout attack. Also your doctor may recommend bed-rest and the application of ice to your swelling as the attack eases.

Why Seek Medical Attention?

It's important to see your doctor to get the proper care for your gout. Since some medications and foods may increase your risk of getting another gout attack. For example, Aspirin which is a NSAID, should be avoided as a gout medication. Since, Aspirin can worsen your gout symptoms by suddenly altering your uric acid level in your blood. It's also important to see your doctor, even after you recover from your gout symptoms. This is because although the symptoms of the gout have disappeared, the cause of the gout is still present and will continue to irritate your joints. This could lead to complicate and worsen matters for you. However, your doctor may be able to reverse or at the least prevent the buildup of uric acid that causes gout by prescribing you with the proper gout care and treatment.